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Üben - Notes 2 PLUS

4.2 ( 112 ratings )
Desenvolvedor: admaDIC Rainer Schwarze & Annett Schwarze GbR
2.99 USD

"Üben Notes 2 PLUS" lets you practice basic musical notes and rests.

The app is designed to be as simple as possible. This is great for children as it is super easy to use. The app generates a random task with a note or a rest drawn on a staff. Enter the name of the note or rest and the app shows, whether it was correct or not. If it was not, the correct name is shown.

When a task is answered, the app records whether the answer was correct or not. A statistics screen shows for each note, how many times it was shown and the percentage of correct answers.

Notes can be named in SPN (Scientific Pitch Notation - middle C is C4) or Helmholtz notation (middle C is c).
Select treble clef or bass clef for practicing - the clef is shown together with the note.
The range of notes is c4 to a5 (c to a) for treble clef and e2 to c4 (E to c) for bass clef.

Feature summary:

o Practice notes or rests
o Select treble clef or bass clef
o Statistics over right and wrong answers

Privacy information:

The app records some data for its statistics screen. This data is not shared with admaDIC or other third parties. You can clear such data any time in the statistics screen.